Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Assumptions and Good Intentions

I've been away from the net for awhile, but I'm back with a different server. It was a false start in the spring, when I did it without any personal security system. Primus said they had protec- tion, so like a babe in the woods--I took it for granted that I was safe! It reminds me of runny-ing away to Cape Breton Island, NS, in the mid 70's; with some romantic notions of 'getting back to the land.' Assumptions are the root of many frustrations, and good intentions fade in the shadow of daily pressure.

I'm composing this post as a reaction to the rejection of my password, to sign in and update my Gallery-Workshop website. While digging in the chaotic mess of old notes for a solution, I came across my address for this blog site. So rather than fuss over what I can't do tonight, I decided to see if it was still active, and jog my memory of what my intentions had been for starting this blog.

The manuscript for my book that I wanted to post on this site, one chapter at a time, is nearby in a draw; however, my sabbatical from 'the net' took me on a detour. The battle of being a victim of pirated windows, and not being able to update, did me in. I've simply had no ambition,
and the scary thing is, I don't care.

Well, now I have a legal windows program, and Norton protection; plus a reminder that I started this blog to share my writing. It might be wise to start with some essays; I've got a small suitcase full, just waiting to be used.

Now that I know that some people have been curious enough to check out my profile, it might be all I need to get the creative juices flowing again. "I'll be back!"

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