Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Something didn't feel right.

It's funny how some things just don't sit right in the heart. Now that I've heard the conspiracy theories I know why the news irritated me when I wrote the following thoughts:

"Is it just cynicism that makes me feel the American response is overkill, or is it the media quest for sensation? I am sensitive to the great despair, but the impression left by the media coverage is that no other nation ever had anything so bad happen to them. When Saddam was killing off the marsh Arabs, and other genocide stories hit the news, the US officials, the United Nations, and the world in general seemed largely detached. May be the response to 9/11 was so phenomenal because the World Trade Centre affected the economy of so many nations; also it gets the peoples attention when a bomb is dropped in their own backyard. I find that disturbing. Not only the Americans, but we all lean toward indifference until the unthinkable hits close to home." We also tend to leave social problems for others to deal with.

After viewing many videos on YouTube about 9/11 being an inside job, and showing how propaganda was used to stir up fear in the people so they would support a war on terrorism, I realized it was the propaganda that didn't sit right in my heart. It was scary to realize that the same tactics used by Hitler to achieve his agenda were being used by the Bush administration. But one might ask why destroy your own financial center? The underlying plan for the final stages of 'The New World Order' required a war in Iraq, to have control over an oil pipeline there; so they needed and excuse to declare war on them.

I know that sounds outrageous, but so does the building of prison camps on American soil, to deal with those who oppose the coming dictatorship. The videos are really scary, and make you realize that the horrors of World War II are going to be repeated if people don't rise up and fight the loss of their freedom. Fema is prepared for martial law: makes you think of the many dissenters at different times in world history, who were the enemy of the ruling elites plans; labelled as criminals, and savages, who were suppressed or killed legally by the law and military might of the day.

The unthinkable has florished under our noses all along, unnoticed by those who are not privy to the plans of empire building. The people have been dumbed down with tradition, patriotism, and conditioning; all leading to a false sense of security. Some people saw passed this programmed view of the world; the 60's & 70's saw an awareness stirring among the people. The 'Hippy' generation examined everything they were taught to believe; some even went to jail for not paying taxes in protest of the war machine.

I recall a couple of radical incidents aimed at Corporate America: the kidnapping of Patty Hearst, daughter of the newspaper baron, Randolf Hearst. Then there was the murder of the Folger's heiress, at the house of Sharon Tate, and the threat of Charles Manson to kill the families of the corporate elite. Though he recognized who was in control of the country, his methods to illiminate them couldn't be accepted by a civilized world.

He may have manipulated his followers, but he was just crazy to reasonable people who had never heard of him or what he knew. The quest for world domination is a sociopathic agenda
that breeds programs like Hitler's "Final Solution." It is not reasonable, and no matter who you are, if you stand in the way of those who have been working toward ruling the world you get illiminated. George Orwell hit the nail on the head in his novel "1984." We all thought he was just exposing the evils of Communism, but he was referring to all dictatorship, including the coming "New World Order" that we first heard of in a speech by George Bush Sr.

It's hard to wrap your brain around the social engineering of world terrorism and the global economic crisis, as tools to incite fear and great insecurity to lead people into accepting a one world order as a solution to our ills. Secret meetings, attended by the elite, and world leaders are used to work out the step by step details: one being the SPP, which is the merging of Canada, the US, and Mexico. The currency is already being made, called the Amero--the same principle as the Euro--it will mean the loss of national sovereignty, and give free access for America to Canadian and Mexican resources.

If this is all new to anyone who reads this, they can be excused for thinking I'm a crackpot, but the internet is a great resource for seekers of truth. Until now it has been relatively uncensored, but that is beginning to change. Check out what I'm saying while you still can.

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