Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Bat Cave

For awhile last month it looked like my web friends and I needed a private place to communicate freely, away from the prying eyes of alla-1331, over on the Freewebs sites. It was all very exciting, like Christians in hiding from the oppressors. The concern was that even private messages could be hacked.

I suddenly remembered that I had this pretty dead site, which could serve as a secret 'Bat Cave' where I could leave notes for my friends until the situation was resolved. The picture in the left margin below the poll, became a symbol for this place. It is a house I rented in Rosseau, overlooking the lake, and it actually had bats in the attic. Little did I know the picture would be used on the net; I had intended to do a painting, but I seem to have lost all ambition to paint. It's just so nice to have my own pictures to illustrate my posts, but at the moment my Kaspersky security software is not letting me download on a post. I really have to learn how to train it. It wont let me answer site comments from my gmail inbox either; to get around that I have to go the long route of going to the site where the comment came from.

This little post is just to explain the picture for those who get that far down the page.

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